Please meet my Jar O' Proverbs.

As part of my very own personal blog I thought I might try to do something on a daily basis. What could be better then a Proverb?
So Today's:
If you fail to practice your art,
It will soon disappear.
- German
It will soon disappear.
- German
For me? Dancing. Hands down. I would like to think that at some point I had some major skills when it came to the dance floor. I went often enough as a teenager to the church dances, and even tried out and made the JV dance team at school. As a plus I was on the Varsity competition squad as a Freshman.. mad skills. I furthered my dancing career when I moved out of my dads and in with some roomies. "Dancing " was a regular activity at the Beach Walk. Either it was in my room, downstairs, or actually out to Hot Lanta or Oceans, I practiced on a regular basis. I could feel the beat take over and there was no stopping these hips. As for now? Ha! I'm not quite sure. I don't think I have hit a dance floor in a couple of years, and am no where near another one anytime soon. Baker and I do have a very non traditional wedding this weekend. Maybe I can try them out then. I'll report back and let you know how I look.
Favorite Dance Memory:
My first Thanksgiving pre-marriage with the Morphy's. Uncle Twill is quite the dancer. Lets just say one of us ended up on the floor and it wasn't me.
Favorite Dance Line:
Julianne to Michael in My Best Friends Wedding. "I've got moves you never seen."
Favorite Dance Memory:
My first Thanksgiving pre-marriage with the Morphy's. Uncle Twill is quite the dancer. Lets just say one of us ended up on the floor and it wasn't me.
Favorite Dance Line:
Julianne to Michael in My Best Friends Wedding. "I've got moves you never seen."
I know what you mean..I danced for years and in High School. But now, i'd be very afraid of what little skills I have left!
Love that line and use it often! You were quite the dancing queen back in the day weren't you!
Ha, someone else just posted on their blog about how they had lost their dance moves...Must be in the air. lol.
i have some semi incriminating dance pics that i would post of us, but some might confuse them as beind "innapropriate" darn to bad. i could e mail them to you though. have added another blog! Just another place where I can get to know more about you ;)
You and Becca are too cute! Your blogs keep me entertained!
Hope to hear from you soon!
So....dancing huh?!!? ;) Just ask Becca about my mad dance skills! I apparently have/had some...hehe!
Ohh Jenn don't we totally all remember that special Thanksgiving when you and Uncle Twill were busting moves on the dance floor. Michael Jackson moves that is. SOoo funny!
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