My sister has been bugging me for quite some time now to update my personal blog. I don't know what has gotten into me, but blogging has been at the bottom lately. So sorry.
I titled this post "Ironic" because my sister and my proverb for the day go hand in hand.. and so does my procrastination.
Beginning is Easy; continuing is hard- Japanese
One of the things that we have always duped my poor sister as is the one who always wants to be finished before its over. It's a trait I have picked up as well.. take this blog for instance. I started it, and have a hard time continuing it.. or for example the scarf I am in the middle of making, the caramels that are sitting on my counter waiting to be wrapped, my daughters baby book that has been calling my name for the last 5 and a half months, what is my deal? I love to start things but why can't I finish them?
What is something that you have started and are having a hard time finishing?
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Interview

A long lost friend of mine (shown here in the wedding dress with ma and her twin) answered some questions on her blog that her sister wrote. It was really fun to read about her. She offered to ask some questions of me, so here they are. If you want to do the same on your blog, let me know and I can write some for you. Thanks Jamie, this was fun.
1. If you had unlimited funds, but could only spend it on the one same thing over and over, what would it be?
Which way to I bend? Self indulgence? Nah.. truly I would spend it all on pictures. I don't know why but ever since these digital cameras came out, it's very rare that I develop our pictures. Even though I am a complete amateur, I love capturing those little moments that really are what we live for. Capturing and keeping memories is pretty priceless. This way I would be able to remember it all. So pictures, unless it really was the only thing we could buy.. if that were the case I would have to choose food. How else would I be able to make memories if I die from starvation?
2. We know you are the sweetest, most beautiful person, but if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
We also know that this is a big lie, you and Bryn have me on the beautiful scale, and most definitely the sweet scale. I am going to break this up in two categories. What would I change physically? Probably my height. If my legs were 3 to 6 inches longer I would be sooo happy, and rich. I would save a lot of money on alterations. I don't think I own a pair of pants that didn't need to be hemmed. I also don't think I have a pair of Capri's that aren't to my ankles. As for the sweet? I wish I were better about forgiving a lot quicker. Something I could always work on. It's easy for me to forgive once I give it time.. I shouldn't need time it should just happen.
3. What are some of your biggest pet peeves?
The biggest one that comes to mind is smacking your lips. I don't know why but this just urps me. Whether your eating cereal or chewing gum, please just close your lips. I also hate when someone eats the last one and doesn't replace it.. whatever it is. Especially when I lived with roommates and they would help themselves, and eat the last one of my otterpops. Nothing was worse. I also can't stand when someone pours themselves a glass of juice and leaves like an inch left in the carton and puts it back. Not even a whole glass will be left. Just drink the rest. Watching people clip their toenails really bothers me too. This one I can deal with though, just prefer they do it in private.
4. How do you picture your family in 10 years? How many kids, boys or girls, where will you be living, etc.?
Oh gosh.. Baker and I will hopefully still be in Orange County, OWNING a home. I'll have 4 little girls running around in the yard. (which means I will have all boys, and Emmy will be my only girl.. just because I expressed that verbally.) I will probably be the Young Women's President.. Baker in the Bishopric and my last one finally in Nursery. We'll be done at four so Baker and I will be celebrating with my dream European vacation. I'll love Baker more then I could really comprehend right now., and most importantly we will be happy.
5. If you could pick any talent to be perfect at, what would it be and why?
instead of 1 I am going to pick 2. First I would say photography for reasons stated above, and secondly I would choose an instrument. Guitar if that meant I could actually sing and if not then I would choose the piano. I wish that my parents forced me to learn the piano like most Mormon parents do. I for sure will be torturing my kids with weekly lessons. I think it is such a useful talent.
Thanks again Jamie.. I had so much fun with this... let me know if anyone else would like a personal interview.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
And We're Back!
After a weekend up North for a wedding, and a major freeway shutdown extending our trip, I've been away from my Proverb Jar.. but I'm back. So here is our Proverb of the Day:

A bargain is something that you don't need at a price you can't resist. - anonymous
Whoever wrote this obviously didn't score big like I did last week at Old Navy. Everything with a red sticker was clearanced out at 1 dollar and 97 cents. Yes my friends that is only $1.97. I only spent 60 dollars with tax, so you can imagine what I walked out with. Skirts, pants, dresses, sweaters, and tops galore. I was in heaven. So whoever this anonymous person is that thinks that a new outfit for only 4 dollars is something that I don't NEED... then they are mistaken. Everyone could use a bargain like that.

A bargain is something that you don't need at a price you can't resist. - anonymous
Whoever wrote this obviously didn't score big like I did last week at Old Navy. Everything with a red sticker was clearanced out at 1 dollar and 97 cents. Yes my friends that is only $1.97. I only spent 60 dollars with tax, so you can imagine what I walked out with. Skirts, pants, dresses, sweaters, and tops galore. I was in heaven. So whoever this anonymous person is that thinks that a new outfit for only 4 dollars is something that I don't NEED... then they are mistaken. Everyone could use a bargain like that.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Proverb of the Day

From the mouth of a wise man
Eat to live, not live to eat.
- Socrates
But it all just tastes so good! That's what I always tell myself. It's funny that I would pull this proverb today. Just yesterday as I was roaming the isles of trader Joe's, I told myself I was going to start eating a bit better. Then I strolled down the frozen food isle to find my new favorite dessert. Tiramisu Gelato! Yes I bought it, and yes i am eating it now. Here's proof.
- Socrates
But it all just tastes so good! That's what I always tell myself. It's funny that I would pull this proverb today. Just yesterday as I was roaming the isles of trader Joe's, I told myself I was going to start eating a bit better. Then I strolled down the frozen food isle to find my new favorite dessert. Tiramisu Gelato! Yes I bought it, and yes i am eating it now. Here's proof.

But seriously? Have you ever sat down at the end of the day a wrote down everything you ate and drank over the last 18 hours or so? Sometimes it can be a bit disgusting. Ever since I had Emerson I am lucky if I even get a shower in every day let alone and well balanced diet. I just don't have the time or the energy. When I am out and about the best thing for me is to drive through and hope I can scarf it down before she wakes up from her car time slumber. I can't put all the blame on being a new mother, after all it is partly my fault. I think I live to eat. I absolutely love junk food. But with this love I do have some self control, and I do know when enough is enough, it's just the second I have a taste in my mouth it HAS to be mine. Especially those McDonald French Fries... with sweet and sour sauce... mmmmm.
So here is my new commitment... I will eat to live, not live to eat.
Favorite live to eat moment:
Every year Baker and I love when the fair comes to town. It's like our one day no questions asked that we are allowed to eat whatever and how much of whatever it is that we want. The summer that we got engaged we had our second first date at the fair. We ate it all.. Funnel cake, corn, pork, battered potatoes, snow cones, and anything and everything that we could find fried. As disgusting as I felt at the end of the night, it was still the second night I fell in love with my husband, and that is why it will forever be one of my favorite memories.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Proverb of the Day
Please meet my Jar O' Proverbs.

As part of my very own personal blog I thought I might try to do something on a daily basis. What could be better then a Proverb?
So Today's:
If you fail to practice your art,
It will soon disappear.
- German
It will soon disappear.
- German
For me? Dancing. Hands down. I would like to think that at some point I had some major skills when it came to the dance floor. I went often enough as a teenager to the church dances, and even tried out and made the JV dance team at school. As a plus I was on the Varsity competition squad as a Freshman.. mad skills. I furthered my dancing career when I moved out of my dads and in with some roomies. "Dancing " was a regular activity at the Beach Walk. Either it was in my room, downstairs, or actually out to Hot Lanta or Oceans, I practiced on a regular basis. I could feel the beat take over and there was no stopping these hips. As for now? Ha! I'm not quite sure. I don't think I have hit a dance floor in a couple of years, and am no where near another one anytime soon. Baker and I do have a very non traditional wedding this weekend. Maybe I can try them out then. I'll report back and let you know how I look.
Favorite Dance Memory:
My first Thanksgiving pre-marriage with the Morphy's. Uncle Twill is quite the dancer. Lets just say one of us ended up on the floor and it wasn't me.
Favorite Dance Line:
Julianne to Michael in My Best Friends Wedding. "I've got moves you never seen."
Favorite Dance Memory:
My first Thanksgiving pre-marriage with the Morphy's. Uncle Twill is quite the dancer. Lets just say one of us ended up on the floor and it wasn't me.
Favorite Dance Line:
Julianne to Michael in My Best Friends Wedding. "I've got moves you never seen."
Jumping on the Bandwagon
Thats right people, Jenny Morphy as entered the personal blog realm. A place where I can talk about personal things.. not just my family, and can let it all out. A special blog where no one can judge. So you better stop now. So as a kick off to my very own personal blog I would like to make a confession:
Whatever that mystery meat in the Jack in the Box taco's is.. I absolutely love it. I had two today. So if you happen to have some insight as to what that mystery is, please feel free to leave it here.
Whatever that mystery meat in the Jack in the Box taco's is.. I absolutely love it. I had two today. So if you happen to have some insight as to what that mystery is, please feel free to leave it here.
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